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Amino.dk Blogs Ekspertblogs Christopher Barrat 10 top tips to becoming a great influencer

10 top tips to becoming a great influencer

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20 February 2012

Having the ability to influence people effectively is a critical skill in the modern business world for two reasons. Firstly if you influence the right people, then you can have strong allies when the reorganisation comes – and in modern business that is inevitable. Secondly we are in a far more matrixed society than ever before – most of the people you need to get to do something, rarely report to you, and you need to use influencing rather than power and authority skills to be effective. Here are ten top tips on how to become a powerful influencer.

  1. Speak their language

This means use the types of words, phrases and approach that fits the person you are talking to, which may well not be your natural way of communicating. If they are data freaks lead with the numbers, if they are creative types then talk images and concepts.

  1. Use stories and analogies

We remember stories far more than facts, you want your influence to last, so if you can tell them a story or use analogies, these are more likely to stick in their minds.

  1. Remember every moment is a chance to influence people

The best influencers do not rely on a single moment of brilliance, they are using every point of contact to nudge people towards their way of thinking.

  1. Get the right attitude in your head

We all know that most of what we communicate comes from non-verbal signals. These are hard to consciously control, so rather than try and do that – start with the right mindset, and the non-verbals will then come out in the right way. If you are frustrated with the person you are trying to influence, then you have to get a different head on by the time you talk to them.

  1. Match and mirror

This is now scientifically proven to work – the more you sit/stand/gesture and intonate your voice to match the style of the person you are talking to, the more they will like you and believe you.

  1. Use your network

Indirect support can be very effective. Find out who your target might be talking to, and influence them towards supporting your line of thinking

  1. Make a virtue of necessity

If there is a touchy topic, then be the first to get it out on the table, this shows you have thought about their potential concerns, and it disarms them.

  1. Understanding is not acceptance

If your target has objections or concerns, show you understand them – it is perfectly OK to let them know you can see things from their point of view without agreeing with them.

  1. Tune into Radio W.I.I.F.M

Everyone broadcasts this – ‘what's in it for me?’. Make sure you have shaped your request in a way that shows there is something in it for them – it does not have to be much, and it can be very effective.

  1. Find common goals you have, and establish points you can agree with early on.

More often than not people can agree on many things, but disagree over the way of achieving them. Find some level of common ground and lead with this, so the first thing they are doing in the conversation is agreeing with you – which is a great starting point for an influencing strategy.

The skill of influencing is just that – a skill, and it can be learned and practiced. It is also far superior to the use of power. As we know from those in power and politics, pure power can dissolve in an instant if the mood of the nation or your fans changes. Influencing skills however can last forever, and is one of the most translatable skills from business into personal life.

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