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Tilmeldt 27. Feb 21
Indlæg ialt: 26
Fra  Telefone Skrevet kl. 15:32
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

well i didnt mean to hurt someone feelings ..i only express my feeling what i am going through....for denmark as a country i have great respect :)

Fra 3210 Vejby
Tilmeldt 2. Mar 11
Indlæg ialt: 46521
Fra  John Hannover Skrevet kl. 16:53
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

Fair enough - it just has nothing to do with democracy as such. Getten bankaccount for people with recidence and different nationality than the bank, is difficult everywhere in the world. Not imposible, but difficult. You could look at revolut as a possibility

vh John Hannover

6 stærke Ivæksætterbøger - e-bøger/paperbacks - letlæste I LINK HER 
Intro til regnskab - og Fradrag - e-bøger letlæste I LINK HER

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Tilmeldt 27. Feb 21
Indlæg ialt: 26
Fra  Telefone Skrevet kl. 16:57
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :
Gennemsnit 1,0 stjerner givet af 1 person

true but i have private account on same nationality and residence permit :) yes it has to do with democracy to give all a fair chance to live and do business :)

Fra 3210 Vejby
Tilmeldt 2. Mar 11
Indlæg ialt: 46521
Fra  John Hannover Skrevet kl. 19:18
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :


true but i have private account on same nationality and residence permit :) yes it has to do with democracy to give all a fair chance to live and do business :)

If the bank does not feel it can satisfye themself on "Know your customer" and "whitewash control", and/or fear you may be out of the country from day to day, they are more os less obliged to say no to a business acount - or they could be fined. Same where they feel the whole idea and budget does not make sence, that would also lead to a NO.

If your different nationality and fixed residence permit makes it possible, then try a bank in the country where you have fixed residence permit - or maybe revolut - but also give other banks a shot  lunar.dk and other

If you are here a a refugee - maybe Danish refugee aid could advice you, but otherwise you can use a bank in your own country and connect danish NemKonto to it via a form 

br all the best  John Hannover

6 stærke Ivæksætterbøger - e-bøger/paperbacks - letlæste I LINK HER 
Intro til regnskab - og Fradrag - e-bøger letlæste I LINK HER

Min gratis blog www.johnhannover.com 

Tilmeldt 27. Feb 21
Indlæg ialt: 26
Fra  Telefone Skrevet kl. 19:28
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

thanks again john for your input.apart from temporaty residence permit my bank is very much satify with my business plan , driftbudget and liquid budget.no i am not refugee but living in denmark on green card scheme from last 7 years and my wife she is doctor here in denmark.we renew our permit every three years.i did not want loan from my bank.Me and wife saved our own money which is documented.no criminal record and no debt to goverment.its getting very depressiv for me because my business is ready to open but need bank account :(

Fra 3210 Vejby
Tilmeldt 2. Mar 11
Indlæg ialt: 46521
Fra  John Hannover Skrevet kl. 19:36
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

Sounds like you should be able to find a bank - when maried in Denmark then - just give them all required info - and keep looking. Maybe get an auditor to have the contact to the bank on your behalf - maybe the auditors own bank. Maybe if an ApS as I remember from the start - get your wife in a owner as well?

Best wished - John Hannover

6 stærke Ivæksætterbøger - e-bøger/paperbacks - letlæste I LINK HER 
Intro til regnskab - og Fradrag - e-bøger letlæste I LINK HER

Min gratis blog www.johnhannover.com 

Tilmeldt 27. Feb 21
Indlæg ialt: 26
Fra  Telefone Skrevet kl. 19:40
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :
i am married but not in denmark ,we both living and working on green card scheme(for professionals).seriously its not easy to get business account,already try with dozens of bank.i have enkeltmand firma and we both are customer of same bank :(
Fra 3210 Vejby
Tilmeldt 2. Mar 11
Indlæg ialt: 46521
Fra  John Hannover Skrevet kl. 19:56
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

No it is not always easy - but look towards your own country - or revolut which can be used and are often not so bothered with residence - (but not top service)

br John Hannover

6 stærke Ivæksætterbøger - e-bøger/paperbacks - letlæste I LINK HER 
Intro til regnskab - og Fradrag - e-bøger letlæste I LINK HER

Min gratis blog www.johnhannover.com 

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