Aaron Prior


Freelancer Aaron Prior
  • Baseret på 0 anmeldelser

Aaron Prior

Silkeborg, Danmark

Se kontaktinformationer


I am an experienced professional with a background in communication and performance. Freelance photographer as well as English language services including translation, proof-reading, copywriting and advice and guidance on English language communication and presentations.
As a performance professional, I can provide voice-over and voice work as well as presenting in English.
As an administrator, I have experience in leadership within the administrative function as well as experience of working within the public and private sector as a high-level administrator.


  • Skrivearbejde - Korrekturlæsning
  • Skrivearbejde - Webtekster
  • Oversættelse - Engelsk
  • Skrivearbejde - Blogs
  • Design & Multimedia - Fotografering
  • Design & Multimedia - Voice Over
  • Design & Multimedia - Stemmearbejde
  • Salg, Marketing & PR - Kommunikation

Yderligere information  


Please see www.aaronpriorphotography.co.uk and www.aaronprior.com for more information.

Tidligere og nuværende ansættelser

Aaron Prior Photography - Photographer (UK & DK)
Cancer Pathway Coordinator - SaTH (UK)
PALS & Bereavement Advisor - SaTH (UK)
Acting & Singing Tutor and Associate Director - The Arts Centre Telford (UK)
Company Owner - Davis-Prior Associates - Theatre Agency (UK)
Social Work Support Team Manager - London Borough of Bexley (UK)
Ticketing Department - Nimax Theatres (UK)
Administrative Manager - Kent County Council (UK)
Duty Manager - New Players Theatre / Players Bar & Restaurant (UK)


For performance or photography - deposit payable on booking of half total fee. Balance payable on day of event/shoot
For English Language services - To be discussed.
For administrative work - To be discussed.


London School of Musical Theatre (England)
William Brookes School and VIth Form Centre (England)

Referencer/Portfolio (Links til løste opgaver/Portfolio)


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User Stats

  • Har været Amino Freelancer siden: 11-04-2017 Set kontakinfo i alt: 0
  • Bud på opgaver afgivet: 7 Bud på opgaver vundet: 0