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Allan Jørgensen 

50 år fra Aarup
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Allan Jørgensen finder du også her:

   Min biografi
Allan Jørgensen har ikke skrevet noget om sig selv.
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Hvornår startede du din første virksomhed og hvad lavede den?
2013, og arbejder med økonomisk rådgivning, primært rapportering fra NAV vha. Jet Reports.

Hvad er den mærkeligste ting du har på dit kontor?
Pt. ingenting

Hvem ville du ønske du var venner med på Facebook?
Alle positive mennesker

Hvilken forretningside ville du gerne have fundet på?

Nævn en ting om dig selv som ville overraske dine medarbejdere/venner:
Lytter til Les Misérables

Hvad er det sjoveste der er sket i din virksomhed?
Nystartet, så det kommer senere

Hvis du ikke skulle bekymre dig om penge, hvad lavede du så nu?
Arbejder på halv tid (dvs. ca. 40 timer ugentligt) og spiller golf

Hvad ville du ønske du havde vidst da du startede din virksomhed?
Nystartet, så det kommer senere

Hvis du var diktator, hvad ville du ændre?
Min Jobtitel

Hvad er din Passion/Hobby?
Nørde med Jet Reports og Excel, samt lytte til U2 dagen lang.

Hvad er dit yndlingsmotto?
In the course of your life you will be continually encountering fools. There are simply too many to avoid. We can classify people as fools by the following rubric: when it comes to practical life, what should matter is getting long-term results, and getting the work done in as efficient and creative a manner as possible. But fools carry with them a different scale of values: They place more importance on short-term matters-grabbing immediate money, getting attention from the public or media, and looking good. They are ruled by their ego and insecurities. They tend to enjoy drama and political intrigue for their own sake. When they criticize, they always emphasize matters that are irrelevant to the overall picture or argument. They are more interested in their career and position than in the truth. You can distinguish them by how little they get done, or by how hard they make it for others to get results. They lack a certain common sense, getting worked up about things that are not really important while ignoring problems that will spell doom in the long-term. The natural tendency with fools is to lower yourself to their level. They annoy you, get under your skin, and draw you into a battle. In the process, you feel petty and confused. You lose a sense of what is really important. You can’t win an argument or get them to see your side or change their behavior, because rationality and results don’t matter to them. You simply waste valuable time and emotional energy. In dealing with fools you must adopt the following philosophy: they are simply a part of life, like rocks or furniture. All of us have foolish sides, moments in which we lose our heads and think more of our ego or short-term goals. It is human nature. Seeing this foolishness within you, you can then accept it in others. This will allow you to smile at their antics, to tolerate their presence as you would a silly child, and to avoid the madness of trying to change them. It is all part of the human comedy, and it is nothing to get upset about or lose sleep over.

Hvad er dit bedste forretningsråd til en ny iværksætter?
Lad være med at vent så lang tid som jeg gjorde. Spring ud i det.

Hvad er det dummeste du har gjort?
Lade mig blive trukket ned på et lavere niveau end jeg burde.

Hvad er din yndlingsfilm?
Les Misérables

Hvordan slapper du bedst af?
Lytter til U2

Hvad er det bedste du har gjort for din virksomhed det seneste år?
Startet den :-)

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