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Ewire lukket.

Side 19 ud af 49 (488 indlæg)
Tilmeldt 27. Nov 11
Indlæg ialt: 327
Fra  BilligstBredbånd.dk Skrevet kl. 22:40
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Det kan jeg ikke huske, det er længe siden - men jeg er 100℅ sikker på at vi fandt svaret på google den gang :)

Tilmeldt 27. Dec 13
Indlæg ialt: 1202
Fra  Cartoonkids.dk Skrevet kl. 22:43
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Kenn Bo Overgaard:

Det jeg kan få ud af denne tråd er at der kun er PayPal løsning hvis ikke man vil lave Nets aftaler ? 

Er det korrekt ?

Grunden til jeg ikke vil lave Nets aftale er at det er for dyr i forhold til mit salg på webshoppen pt. !


Kenn Bo 

der er også paymill. Jeg kender dem dog ikke, men kigger lidt i den retning. Ellers kig på kortgebyr.dk, der kan du se lidt mere. 

www.cartoonkids.dk - sengetøj til børn med superhelte, prinsesser og tegneseriefigurer

Tilmeldt 13. Apr 14
Indlæg ialt: 30
Skrevet kl. 22:54
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :
  • Opsæt Paypal
  • Gå ind på din PayPal konto
  • Øverst klikker du på Profil
  • Til venstre klikker du på Mine Salgsværktøjer
  • Vælg så Webstedspræferencer
  • Rul ned til du ser Valgfri PayPal-konto
  • Sæt den til - Til (husk også at vælge automatisk retur, lidt højere oppe på siden)
  • Husk at vælge Gem
Hvis brugeren HAR brugt paypal før vil de komme til login siden .. Hvis ikke så direkte til kortbetaling.
Så inden i tester - HUSK tøm cache :) 
Tilmeldt 4. Dec 13
Indlæg ialt: 9
Skrevet kl. 22:55
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På mobil får du 2 muligheder..

Kortbetaling eller betaling med PayPal konto


Azite ApS

Tilmeldt 4. Dec 13
Indlæg ialt: 9
Skrevet kl. 23:04
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

Blot for at vise fra en af vores eShop+ løsninger..

Vi levere dette betalingsvindue til vores kundes kunde..


Tommy R. Christensen

Azite ApS

Tilmeldt 16. May 12
Indlæg ialt: 2
Skrevet kl. 23:19
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :
Gennemsnit 5,0 stjerner givet af 2 person

Hej alle,

I have followed the discussions regarding this closely and many of the comments regarding the institutions like VISA, MASTERCARD, NETS etc and the hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I will try to explain how the system works and what could have gone wrong with E-Wire. Maybe it is something totally different, but that will become apparent Monday.

First lets look at the registration process;

PCI/DSS compliance 

If a payment gateway processes less than 250,000 transactions a year, then they can be a 'self certified' provider by fulfilling the requirements of The Associations, which would be accepted by the Acquiring Bank that they use for processing the transactions. This Accreditation only covers how they store card data and ensures that the protocols that are needed to protect that data are fulfilled. Self Certification would still require an organisation (as of December 2012) to be registered with VISA here https://www.visamerchantagentslist.com/ this should always be guided by the Acquiring Bank who holds the ultimate responsibility as part of their license, and also the one that has approved the processes and ultimately processes the transactions and transfers the money.

Third Party solutions;

Organisations like E-Wire work on the perception that they can accept and process organisations without them having to go through the 'normal' acceptance processes of NETS, Euroline, SEB etc that allows them to process the brands advertised...Dankort, VISA, Mastercard etc. Naturally these mainstream brands do not like this, as it can devalue the brand and allow 'traders' to accept organisations that would normally be rejected.

Acquirers, like NETS (the only Acquirer for Dankort)  need to protect their Monopoly, which could lead us to an answer to the closing of E-Wire. The new owners no longer want solutions like E-Wire playing with their profits and possibly devaluing the brand. This would mean that their terminal would be closed with immediate effect, and based on Bankruptcy laws the management cannot make any further decisions regarding the distribution of money, without the direction of a 'Kurator', as they could then be dealing with a personal liability case.

Distribution of Money

Organisations like E-Wire receive all funds in one lump sum from the Acquiring Bank (NETS) and their system divides it up into portions dependent on the trading values from each of their registered web shops, minus their fees obviously.

What could happen is a web shop has not been honest about their trading processes, which has left E-Wire with a minus on their accounts as follows;

Total trade weekly = 10M KR

Un-delivered/refunds/chargebacks minus 3M KR

This scenario would mean that they are fishing to find 3M kr they do not have, and maybe why the accounts would show such losses as the Acquiring Bank hold them responsible for the difference.


As a public organisation their position is to ensure that the organisations registered with them follow certain protocols, however the protocols that E-Wire and others follow are lead by the Acquirers, NETS, VISA, Mastercard. These organisations require Card Data to be protected (PCI/DSS), and also dictate the internal administrative processes of the provider (E-Wire). F.ex. distribution of money, transaction administration, fraud to risk scenarios etc. etc.

Finanstilsynet on the other hand only puts guidelines in place and checks on processes and the management of an organisation, to ensure that they are deemed "fit and proper" to administer such a business. This includes checking CV's to determine that individuals have gained their experience within the financial sector.

Finanstilsynet is also a direct cost for such organisations like E-Wire as they do not exist from the public purse, they are financed from the commercial organisations registered with them, where their Audit rights are extensive which also carry a separate cost to those registered.


If they are associated to First Data rest assured that they are OK and can be checked directly through their main website https://www.firstdata.com.

Maybe no PCI/DSS Data requirements are needed as they will NOT store card data, but use a payment window created by First Data where they fall under First Data's approval for compliance with the Card Associations.

A rule of thumb for anyone with concerns is to ask what the descriptor will be on a customers credit card statement, this will give you a good idea as to who is processing the money.

MCC (Merchant Category Code) rules state that each and every web site needs to be identifiable by the products sold, which determines the processing fees per industry (A gaming site does not carry the same cost as a web shop selling socks)

As this organisation is offering third party solutions the most important thing to ask is as follows;

1. Who will pay you. Will your transactions be paid to Yourpay to send to you? needs to be registered with Finanstilsynet if the later is the case.

2. What will your descriptor be (www.yoursite.dk) the information on your customers credit card statement. Make a test transaction with your own card once approved to double check.

3. What is your MCC code?

4. What is your risk classification?

5. What are your chargeback rights and the Acquiring Banks processes when handling them. Do they have good connections with the Issuing Banks?


I know nothing about E-Wire or how their business was administered, however if I look inside the industry I would say that someone else has 'pulled the plug' on them. They exist through organisations bigger than them... IE NETS/Teler, where without them E-Wire cannot function and subsequently they cannot send out a communication to their customers as it is not them that hold all the cards.

NETS have new owners with new ideas and this business model I know they do not like irrespective of the repercussions, hey, they have a monopoly so they can do what they want and when they want....

Like I said I have no idea what the reason is, but based on the information posted my 100kr bet is on this outcome.

NB; Sorry about doing all of this in English...

Fra 3210 Vejby
Tilmeldt 2. Mar 11
Indlæg ialt: 46522
Fra  John Hannover Skrevet kl. 23:26
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

So your best guess is that it is the new owners of Nets - at this very early stage of the take over -who pulled the plug on Ewire?

May be an educated guess - would not know, but interesting anyway

Best regards John hannover

6 stærke Ivæksætterbøger - e-bøger/paperbacks - letlæste I LINK HER 
Intro til regnskab - og Fradrag - e-bøger letlæste I LINK HER

Min gratis blog www.johnhannover.com 

Tilmeldt 13. Apr 14
Indlæg ialt: 1
Skrevet kl. 23:27
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :
Gennemsnit 1,0 stjerner givet af 1 person

Til skatte elskere der påstår at moms skal betales

Der kan HVERKEN betales moms eller skat af penge man aldrig har modtaget !! Så lad VÆRE med at skrive at man skal betale moms!!

Hvordan man udligner tabet er op til den enkelte bogfører. Der er ikke EN retningslinie som ALLE virksomheder i Danmark følger, og ikke en eneste af de største virksomheder med hundredevise af bogførere bogfør ens.

Fra 3210 Vejby
Tilmeldt 2. Mar 11
Indlæg ialt: 46522
Fra  John Hannover Skrevet kl. 23:32
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

Lars Kulør:

Til skatte elskere der påstår at moms skal betales

Der kan HVERKEN betales moms eller skat af penge man aldrig har modtaget !! Så lad VÆRE med at skrive at man skal betale moms!!

Hvordan man udligner tabet er op til den enkelte bogfører. Der er ikke EN retningslinie som ALLE virksomheder i Danmark følger, og ikke en eneste af de største virksomheder med hundredevise af bogførere bogfør ens.

undskyld - men den må du da uddybe hvis ikke det skal være rent totalt vrøvl. Alle bogfører totalt ens i en situation hvor en betalingsformidler ikke kan honorerer.

Det er ikke kunden der ikke betaler og kunden trækker moms fra hvis han er erhverv og de som har svaret - Henrik Koudahl og SWcotspain har rigelig baggrund til at besvare - det er ikke tab på debitor og momsen kan ikke føres tilbage. Det enten gælder ALLE eller ingen i denne forbindelse.

Forvir ikke debatten med vrøvl, men forklar meget gerne hvorfor du mener at man kan tilbageføre beløbet inkl. moms med lidt lovgrundlag - så kan vi drage nytte.

ps Den moms der ikke tilbage føres som moms vil naturligvis være den del af den UDGIFT man tilbagefører så hele beløbet inkl. moms tilbageføres givet - blot jo med mindre værdi end hvis momsdelen kunne tilbageføres som moms

vh John H

6 stærke Ivæksætterbøger - e-bøger/paperbacks - letlæste I LINK HER 
Intro til regnskab - og Fradrag - e-bøger letlæste I LINK HER

Min gratis blog www.johnhannover.com 

Tilmeldt 24. Feb 14
Indlæg ialt: 24
Fra  OBUZI Skrevet kl. 23:59
Hvor mange stjerner giver du? :

... man udligner/bogfører det vel som udgift til Ewire, siden de har valgt at beholde pengene og/eller gør grav ved konkursboet

Medmindre Nets altså har slukket for Ewire, som måske kan være en reel mulighed. De forsøgte at gøre det tilbage i 2005 med begrundelsen at ewires kunder misburgte deres dankort logo, men mislykkedes. Så hvis det er tilfældet, mon ikke vi ville have hørt om det som i 2005, medmindre de bare har slukket uden varsel.

Side 19 ud af 49 (488 indlæg)