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Mit Amino Netværk


Virksomheder jeg følger

Pontus Lindmark følger endnu ingen virksomheder på Amino Bizz


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Pontus Lindmark 

15  Indlæg
58  Point

Pontus Lindmark finder du også her:

   Min biografi

I'm not a person with a fancy title. In fact - I have a lot of interests and probably a whole lot of skills I never use. I began my adult life as a music producer and sound engineer after a couple of hard years of teenage depression. After 8 years, when I decided to quit that field, I didn't have the strong urge to cut back on income and begin study something which I wasn't particularly interested in anyway. For five years, I have driven many miles in delivery cars and I have a strong ambition to make money through multiple income sources, especially through internet. In january 2013 I signed up as an independent associate of Inspired Living Application, which I actually believe in more and more.

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